The Power of Social Media

  • 728 million people use Facebook every day
  • Twitter is adding 300,000 user every day
  • 72% of adults with internet access use social networking sites
  • 89% of 18-29 year olds are on a social network
  • 92% of consumers trust peer recommendations
  • 74% of smartphone owners use their phone for location-specific information
"The importance of social media to web marketing can't be overstated... Whether you are running a small, local operation, or heading a global, enterprise-level effort, the statistics above make it clear: Your customers are online."
Beginner's Guide to Social Media, Moz Inc.


Your website validates your business, presents exactly the image and information you want and gives your brand its exclusive space on the internet. However, its content will only change from time-to-time as you decide to update and refresh it. Social media sites are perfect at sharing frequent updates (hourly, daily) with your customers to show how active you are. You can post examples of your latest work, share links to interesting information, collect and share customer feedback or inform people about a sales promotion.

Establishing social media accounts can seem overwhelming, but if done right they will create a powerful network that works hard to promote your services 24 hours a day. Taith Design can help create these accounts for you or use your existing accounts to link into and promote your new website.

Next Steps...

Your website has been created, looks brilliant and is live! But wait, nobody knows about it...
How to drive clients to your website.